Going Beyond - Hand in Hand for Haiti, Inc.

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Going Beyond

Going Beyond the Student Backpack

This is Simpson Jean-Charles who has been in the Education Program since grade 4.  He is pursuing his priestly vocation for the priesthood for the Diocese of Les Cayes.  As he reported to me, during a competition of twelve candidates for the seminary he became the first, and that's why he was able to be admitted.  However, Jean-Charles was unable to afford the financial requirements including his extra articles such as clothing etc.  As he explained his needs to Jean Dupuy and having no benefactor to respond to his needs, Jean went to Burlington Coat and WalMart to fulfill the list.  His tuition is $1,500,00 including all his necessities at the seminary.

Would you help the Seminarian Jean-Charles Simpson or others like him
who are pursuing their priestly vocation for the academic year 2020-2021?

Please watch his video of gratitude:

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