Past and Present - Hand in Hand for Haiti, Inc.

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Hand in Hand for Haiti, Inc.
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Past and Present

As you recall, when the Haitian Education Program, also called Adopted-a-Student Program was under the Diocese of Worcester, benefactors were asked to provide $125 as an annual tuition, a backpack, vaccination, daily meal, Christmas Gift, bednet, and shipping.  At that time, the Diocese of Worcester was supporting the operating cost of the Ministry through Partners in Charity.
The new leadership of this Ministry is following in the footsteps of Sr. Marie-Judith Dupuy to provide an adequate education for the poor children in Haiti, while creating a loving relationship between benefactors and the child.  These leaders demonstrate a deep love and passion for serving the poor by assisting each child according to their needs.


Knowing that education is not a right to any Haitian, the cost of tuition is increasing drastically.  The new cost for students from KINDERGARTEN through HIGH SCHOOL is: $595.00 which covers tuition, backpack, Christmas gift, vaccination,health insurance, bednet, daily meal, shipping.


As a reminder, there are three types of University/Trade Schools in Haiti. Those run by the government, those run by the church, and those run privately.  The Universities run by the government are extremely difficult to get in to and  are targeted for the "Bourgeois" of Haiti meaning that the "poor are not welcome". The Universities run by the Church and the Private Universities are also very expensive based on the requirements of their curriculum and their operating cost. Therefore, the tuition for your adopted student at the University level is: $1,500.00  USD per year this does not include the $325.00 for the backpack, Christmas Gift, vaccination, health insurance, daily meal, bednet, shipping.

Because of these increases, we suggest becoming a partner with another benefactor to share these costs.  For instance, maybe you and your children would like to sponsor a child in memory of a grandparent.

Season (June-August)
Benefactor Sandra is Reminding You to Drop-off
Your Backpacks for Your Adopted Students.
Benefactors delivering backpacks
Benefactor delivering backpack
Shipping Process:

After the backpacks are collected at 120 Stafford Street, they are brought to Pawtucket, RI. to be labeled, tagged, and placed in blue drums according to the students' locality.  From there they are picked up by the shipping company and sent to Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Backpack drums
Angela with backpack
        The Christmas Party
        (Mobile Santa) 2020     
Wenson with Christmas kit
Christmas Party Pre-Covid 19
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Hand in Hand for Haiti, Inc.
Website build with Incomedia WebSite X5 Pro. 2021

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